
Without a doubt whatsoever, it is the most popular sport!!

Whitewater canoeing

Enjoy the landscape while descending in a canoe through the river rapids!!


Feel the intensity from a whitewater river with a board and swimmer’s flippers!!


Jump, swim, rappel… to discover the mountain’s heart!!

Other activities

Discover the rest of the fun activities we have designed for you!!

Welcome to the adventure

From Aiguadicció Rialp we invite you to inspect closely the area of Pallars Sobirà and to enjoy while practicing some of the best adventure sports.

We are located in Rialp. We organize activities according to the geographical characteristics of the area, popularly known by its beautiful natural surroundings.

Accompanied by the best guides for every different modality, you will be able to get the best out of the nature’s intensity safely.

Our aim is to get to know better our clients and friends in order to discover new landscapes, rivers, ravines… and enjoy together exciting adventures!

Our Packs

1 or 2 days of complete adventure in the Pallars with accommodation included.

69/128 €
We offer a full emotion pack to those who consider themselves adventure fanatics. Enjoy nature and extreme sports as you have never done before!
137 €

1 or 2 days of complete adventure in the Pallars.

78 €

The latest in Aiguadicció Rialp

Més de vint experts mundials proposaran noves estratègies per a potenciar el turisme de muntanya a l’estiu

Semana Santa marca el inicio de la temporada de raftingen casi todas las zonas de España. Coincide con la época de inicio del deshielo en varios puntos de España, lo cual favorece el aumento de los caudales de los ríos. Esto sucede fundamentalmente en los ríos de pirineos donde el impacto de deshielo en el caudal de los ríos es fundamental.

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Netegen el curs de la Noguera Pallaresa entre Sort i Llavorsí

El Comitè de les Copes del Món de Piragüisme de Salt i Sort, amb la col·laboració de l’Oficina de la Candidatura Barcelona Pirineus 2026 de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona, es complau a convidar-vos a l’espectacular acte de presentació d’aquestes competicions, que tindrà lloc a l’incomparable marc de la Piscina Municipal de Salts de Montjuïc.

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